Animating Toolbar Titles

Reading time ~3 minutes


I’m sure by now, everyone has used the support library’s Toolbar element. Inside of this element are things like the ActionMenu and Title. However, since this is a packaged element. We don’t have access to the child views of this view. So I am going to show you how to get the title and attach animations to it for smoothly transitioning between title changes.


Now, in order for us to use the Toolbar we first need to have one in the layout. So make sure you have the style set to no actionbar, and make sure you have a varient of the following in your layout:




Now when you start your activity, you won’t need to do anything different. However, there is one thing you should take into account. If you set your title to an empty string, then the TextView will be removed from the Toolbar so if you plan on animating your title, you should set your title to ‘ ‘ if you want to have an empty title.

Finding the TextView

Seeing as how we don’t actually hae access to the children of the Toolbar we will have to do a pretty nasty search for it. What you will need to do is iterate over each child of the Toolbar until you find a TextView. You need to do this on the Toolbar not the support ActionBar you are setting the Toolbar to when you start an activity! It should look something like this:

private View getToolbarTitle() {
    int childCount = toolbar.getChildCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
        View child = toolbar.getChildAt(i);
        if (child instanceof TextView) {
            return child;

    return new View(this);

Animating Title Change

When you finally have the view for your title, you can just run an animation like you usually would. For this example I just set up an AlphaAnimation that fades the title out of view, updates the value, then fades it back in. Here is what it looks like:

private void animateTitleChange(String newTitle) {
    final View view = getToolbarTitle();

    if (view instanceof TextView) {
        AlphaAnimation fadeOut = new AlphaAnimation(1f, 0f);
        fadeOut.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
            public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {


            public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
                AlphaAnimation fadeIn = new AlphaAnimation(0f, 1f);

            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {



Keep in mind that the TextView won’t be in the Toolbar unless it has a value, and you can’t count on it always being in the same place. Otherwise, enjoy animating the title to your hearts content.

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